Here are some of my favorite moments from this study:
10. Hope is not a vague feeling that the future will be positive, but complete assurance of certain victory through Christ!
9. As moms, we tend to live rather routine, ordinary lives... If you believe that, you do not understand God's purpose and plan for your life! Every day with Jesus is wrought with opportunities, prospects, miracles and divine appointments.
8. Don't cheapen the cause of Christ with religion, ritual, rules - legalism.
7. God's not interested in a clean house, but a clean heart.
6. The Christian home is to be God's visual aid in the midst of a sin-sick world to demonstrate God's plan and purpose for the family... The husband will be a servant leader in the home; he will not assume the role of dictator. A godly wife will be a suitable helpmate to her husband and not strive to usurp her husband's authority. Both will be invested in living in harmony and helping his or her mate reach his or her full potential.
5. Remember, you can choose your attitude. You can approach life expecting to be served, or you can look for opportunities to serve others. Are you selfishly clinging to your "rights" or are you willing to serve?
4. The king's heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He wishes, Proverbs 21:1. There are no conditions on the spiritual nature of the person in authority.
3. On building character: It's more important to build [children] then to mend [adults]. - Truitt Cathey.
2. In prayer, Esther has carefully weighed the options. To shrink back in disobedeince is to cast herself on [God's] mercy. To boldly stand in obedience is to live in His grace.
1. Don't try to wear too many hats. The only hat we are meant to wear is a Crown of Righteousness which we will one day lay at Jesus' feet!
1 comment:
so good! #9 and #5 are just for me! things i've been working on! thanks for sharing. cute pic of princess hannah!
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