09 September 2008

a word from mommy

So I've been tagged by Leah and Ashley D. (Update) Jennifer informed me that she had also tagged me at one time and was offended that I never responded. So here we go...

The rules are:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Mention the rules.
3. Tell six unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag six bloggers by linking.
5. Leave a comment for each blogger.

Quirk #1
I am weirdly fascinated by The Mullet. Not an uncommon fetish, I know, but it is something of an enigma that calls to me, "Look at Me! Understand Me! Love Me!" I have so many questions: Why would someone (Redneck or not) insist on such a widely ridiculed hairstyle? Are they making some kind of point? Are they uninformed? Are they oblivious to the shape of their head? I can't help it. A good mullet is an oddly beautiful thing, don't you think?

Quirk #2
I absolutely cannot drink water directly from the tap. I don't insist on a filtering process or anything, but I have to jug it and put it in the fridge before I can drink it. It is completely psychological.

Quirk #3
Ever since we got TiVo I can't watch live TV. I can't sit through the commercials. I can't flip through the channels (or even the Guide) to find something I want to watch. My attention span has definitely suffered.

Quirk #4
Running makes me throw up. I will not run unless I am being chased by a wild animal or a man wielding an axe.

Quirk #5
I love to brush my teeth. Seriously, I am IN LOVE with brushing my teeth. Every time I go to the Dentist, the Dental Hygenist raves over my at-home care.

Quirk #6
I secretly love those email surveys. You know, the really high school ones that are like... "What's your favorite ice cream?"; "If you were stranded on a desert island, what 3 CDs would you take with you?"; "Which Jonas Brother would you Make Out With? Date? Marry?"; and, yes, even this one. I have typed and retyped each and every quirk until it was worded exactly. So, Leah, Ashley, thank you for the opportunity.

I'm not tagging anyone else. My Quirk #7 is that I'm a rebel, baby!



Ashley said...

i love this! especially the mullet. I am with you on the tivo--what a great invention.

jennifer... said...

Good ones Tami.  Hey, I guess you didn't see ages ago that I tagged you for one of those silly surveys.  I watched and watched and figured you didn't do that kind of thing!  (I recently deleted it so its irrelevant now). But you got a giggle out of me over the Jonas Brothers thing (whom I know nothing about).  Sooo???