12 December 2008

Hannah Gilmore

* you'll have to pause the default music player to fully enjoy this one. scroll down and look for it on the right side of the screen.

i just love this song. it doesn't matter where i am or what i'm doing, when i hear the gilmore girls theme song i high-tail it to the living room. i think i was born to be a gilmore.

08 December 2008

ornament game

So some of the girls on my blog roll are doing this and I think it's pretty fun. Post some photos of your favorite Christmas ornaments and explain why you love them so much.

The Christmas Pickle
Can you find it? If you do, you get a prize. The Christmas Pickle has become a Fullerton Family tradition. It's the last ornament placed on the tree (traditionally on Christmas Eve) and the first child to find it on Christmas morning wins a special gift. It's lots of fun if you can keep the kids from killing each other.

The Beauchamps: Circa 2005
I painted this ornament in 2005 at Paint a Piece. It's too heavy to go on the tree so I keep it on the bedroom doorknob. It makes me smile every year.

Joy Bells
We bought these bells in England when we were first engaged. There are 24 of them. They are so sweet and so beautiful. And, of course, remind me anew each time I trim my tree of the joy and excitement we felt when we first bought them.

Baby's First Christmas 1980
My mom gave me this ornament last year. It is my original Baby's First Christmas Ornament. Isn't it sweet?

A Perfect Angel
I searched long and hard for this little lady. I knew I wanted an Angel to top my tree, but I had the most difficult time finding the perfect one. This one is actually a candle holder and I punched a hole through the bottom. I love her simple details and serene expression.

07 December 2008

BFC Christmas Party

Friday night was our Bible Fellowship Christmas Party. There was wonderful food, fun and fellowship. Our friends were so sweet to honor Len as he prepares to go to Iraq in February. They gifted us with two beautiful scrapbooks of scriptures -- each the same so that we can read and meditate on the same verse each day he is away. Praise God for their love and support.

Ashley, Tami and Len
(Wren is behind Len. She made the books.)

Amanda, Tami and Alisha

Len, Brian, Mike

PS: These pictures were stolen from here. Thanks Ashley!

Army Christmas Party

Saturday morning was the St Jude Memphis Marathon. Len and some of his Army buddies ran the half-marathon. Some also ran in the 5K and full-marathon. I'm proud of all these guys. They ran well and they did it for a good cause!

Thanks also to Mom and Dad and Chip, Chase and Cole for braving the cold to cheer Len on.

Major Gurney and Len

Cole, Len and Chase


After the race we all met with our families at Macaroni Grill for an early dinner and Christmas celebration. The food was great, but the fun was even better.

Genius Baby

Family photo op

03 December 2008

it does a body good

Recycling Tip #1: Make sure bottles and jugs are clean before putting in the recycling bin. This prevents flies both at home and the recycling station.

02 December 2008

one year later

still adowable